Personalised Compass Gift – God Will Always Guide You


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This exquisite personalised compass is an ideal gift for any special occasion! With its brushed metal effect and thoughtful inscription, it is sure to leave a lasting impression. The compass can be personalised with up to three lines of text, with each line having a maximum character count of 12, 12, and 25 respectively. The personalisation will be engraved exactly as entered, ensuring a unique and meaningful touch.

Whether it’s for a 1st Holy Communion, Christening, or Baptism, this functional keepsake compass is a timeless gift that symbolizes guidance and direction. The sentiment ‘God will always guide you’ is fixed and cannot be altered, adding a spiritual touch to the gift. The recipient will be reminded of this powerful message every time they use the compass.

With its high-quality craftsmanship and personalisation options, this compass is perfect for celebrating life’s significant moments. It can serve as a cherished memento for years to come, reminding the receiver of the love and support they have in their life’s journey.



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