Personalise Your Holy Bible with


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Make your Holy Bible unique with the option to personalise it. With up to five lines available, each containing a maximum of 20 characters, you can add a personal touch that will resonate with your faith. The third line stands out from the rest, appearing larger and in bold font, making it even more special.

This Holy Bible follows the King James Version, encompassing both the New and Old Testaments. It provides a comprehensive spiritual guide for believers.

For added convenience, a bookmark ribbon is included, ensuring that you can easily find your place when reading and studying.

The cover of this Holy Bible is crafted from a high-quality leatherette material, giving it a sophisticated and timeless appearance. The tactile nature of the cover adds to the overall experience of reading and reflecting on its sacred content.

In line with environmental considerations, the pages of this Holy Bible are made from 100% recycled paper. As a result, you may notice slight variations in the material, but rest assured that each page is dedicated to fostering a sustainable future.



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