Personalise Your Dog Paw Prints Heart Memorial


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Honour your cherished furry friend with our beautifully crafted Dog Paw Prints Heart Memorial. This sentimental keepsake can be personalised with a name, up to 12 characters long, and a date, up to 15 characters long. The fixed text, “Dogs come into our lives & leave pawprints on our hearts,” adds a heartfelt touch to this memorial.

Made from natural resin, please keep in mind that there may be some natural imperfections in the product, which could result in blemishes appearing on the area of personalisation. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We kindly request that you refrain from using all capitals in your personalised message, as the font type used may make it difficult to understand. In fact, using all capitals might even cause the personalisation to be missed off the final product. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Remember, “David” is an acceptable name for personalisation, but “DAVID” is not. Let’s ensure your message is perfectly legible and visually appealing.



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