Personalise Love Hearts Bullet Vase – Up to 4 Lines, 20 Characters Each


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Create a unique and heartfelt gift with our Love Hearts Bullet Vase. Personalise it with up to four lines of text, with each line allowing a maximum of 20 characters. The first line will be larger, adding a special touch to your message.

Please be aware that using all capital letters in your personalised message may make it difficult to understand and could result in missing out on the personalisation. We kindly request your cooperation in avoiding the use of all capitals.

It’s important to note that the heart design below the personalisation is fixed and cannot be altered.

This Love Hearts Bullet Vase is perfect for various occasions, including weddings, Valentine’s Day, engagements, and anniversaries. Express your love and affection through a beautifully personalised gift that will be cherished for years to come.



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